Update of "KitDLL SDK"
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Artifact ID: c35a543551c6021b142bb2e0fcfe3a060aa9df08
Page Name:KitDLL SDK
Date: 2011-11-20 22:39:01
Original User: rkeene
Parent: 720f246cf7cc315040d965f463e79989a55da75b

When you build a KitDLL, a "libtclkit-sdk-<tclvers>.tar.gz" tarball is also produced. This tarball contains the Tcl (and Tk, if compiled) stubs libraries, and Tcl (and Tk, if compiled) header files needed to compile and link things against Tcl (and Tk). It also includes "tclConfig.sh" (and "tkConfig.sh", if Tk was compiled).

The purpose for this tarball is to be used to build Tcl extensions or applications that rely on Tcl/Tk using the KitDLL.


  1. Compiling a Tcl extension using a KitDLL SDK
    1. Build or Download a KitDLL SDK
    2. $ tar -xf /path/to/libtclkit-sdk-8.4.19.tar.gz
    3. $ TCLKIT_SDK_DIR="$(pwd)/libtclkit-sdk-8.4.19"
    4. $ export TCLKIT_SDK_DIR
    5. $ ./configure --with-tcl="${TCLKIT_SDK_DIR}/lib"
    6. $ make
  2. Compiling TkPNG for Windows/i586 on Linux using a KitDLL SDK
    1. $ CC=i586-mingw32msvc-gcc; CXX=i586-mingw32msvc-g++; LD=i586-mingw32msvc-ld; AR=i586-mingw32msvc-ar; RANLIB=i586-mingw32msvc-ranlib; STRIP=i586-mingw32msvc-strip; export CC CXX LD AR RANLIB STRIP
    2. $ wget http://www.rkeene.org/devel/kitcreator/kitbuild/nightly/libtclkit-8.4.19-win32-i586-kitdll-xcompile-sdk.tar.gz http://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.5.tar.gz http://sourceforge.net/projects/tkpng/files/tkpng/0.9/tkpng0.9.tgz/download
    3. $ tar -xf libtclkit-8.4.19-win32-i586-kitdll-xcompile-sdk.tar.gz
    4. $ TCLKIT_SDK_DIR="$(pwd)/libtclkit-sdk-8.4.19"; export TCLKIT_SDK_DIR
    5. $ tar -xf zlib-1.2.5.tar.gz
    6. $ cd zlib-1.2.5/
    7. $ ./configure --static --prefix="${TCLKIT_SDK_DIR}" && make && make install
    8. $ cd ../
    9. $ tar -xf tkpng0.9.tgz
    10. $ cd tkpng0.9
    11. $ ./configure --host=i586-mingw32msvc --with-tcl="${TCLKIT_SDK_DIR}/lib" --with-tk="${TCLKIT_SDK_DIR}/lib" && make && make install
    12. $ cd "${TCLKIT_SDK_DIR}/lib/tkpng0.9"
    13. $ mv libtkpng0.9.so tkpng09.dll
    14. $ vi pkgIndex.tcl